High-Speed Scanner

High-Speed Scanner

In 1998 the company decided to break with traditional ways of digitalization that had been used by similar businesses until then in order to pursue a new venue that would revolutionize both the company’s finances and all the work process. This highly risky project was carried out in collaboration with the Centro Politécnico Superior de la Universidad de Zaragoza (the University of Zaragoza’s Advanced Polytechnic Centre) and the Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (the Technological Institute of Aragón).

The aim was to mechanize the process and so the first prototype reached a digitalization speed of 7 documents per minute. Our machines currently work at 12 documents per second, in addition to decoding multiple 1D and 2D codes and performing optical character recognition (OCR). This allows access to all information in documents for its later analysis and storage in databases.

By using this new type of machine in the work process, productivity was increased exponentially. Due to the service’s high speed, along with the lowest error rate in the market and excellent price, Datinza has gained large market share over the years and is now Spain’s biggest provider of this kind of service. During this period, the Health sector went from digitalizing nine million prescriptions in 10 days to digitalizing more than 50 million.

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