Datinza’s social commitment not only involves recycling, electronic alternatives to paper and clean and environmentally responsible inversions in technology. This year we have also joined Proyecto Salvavidas (a social project focused on raising awareness on heart diseases and how to respond in emergencies related to them) and we have become a cardiac-protected area. What is a cardiac-protected area? It is a space where automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are available for non-medical personnel in the event of cardiac arrest.
The certification of the Cardioprotected Area is based on five sections:
DEFIBRILATOR AND SUPPLIER: Regulation, insurance and regulatory compliance.
INSTALLATION: Distribution, localization and signage.
MINIMUM TRAINING: 90-minute public training in defibrillation is mandatory following every region’s different regulations.
MAINTENANCE: computerised control of expiry both of batteries and patches.
RENEWAL: Biannual, continuous compulsory training and renewal of both patches and batteries.
The first few minutes are crucial for the victim, so a fast and appropriate treatment will determine his or her survival. There are more than 30.000 cardiac arrests a year in Spain (one every twenty minutes), which means it causes more deaths than traffic accidents do. This is why we are deeply involved and very willing to help as much as we can with this issue.