


Official Pharmaceutical Associations

Invoicing and digitalization of pharmaceutical prescriptions

Our Data Centre meets every technical and legal standard mandated in this kind of facility: restricted and monitored access, continuous recording of images.,damp and temperature control, redundant and autonomous power supply, data connection with redundant fiber, fire protection in the facilities and extinguishing agent, intruder surveillance connected to the switchboard.

∎ Electronic Dispensations Receipts

Digitalization and processing of receipts

We digitalize receipts adapting to each region’s different format. Thus, we offer a thorough and completely centralized process with no intervention from other agents.


∎ Paper version of prescriptions


We digitalize 100% of medical prescriptions suiting each region’s characteristics and requirements. We manage data sending and invoicing before the 10th day of the following month.

Invoicing results

We bill the corresponding regional health services directly for the prescriptions. We provide pharmacies with the necessary tools in order to monitor and check this invoicing.


In addition, we offer a safekeeping service for all the processed prescriptions in our storage facility which is equipped with the most advanced safety and protection techniques.

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